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Why Funding Family STEM Is More Important Than Ever

In 2021, Overdeck Family Foundation made grants totaling $3.75 million to organizations that support family STEM. This post explores the importance of engaging families in their children's STEM learning and highlights three organizations that are leading the way.

Supporting Kindergarten Readiness and Early School Success in a Pandemic Year

The Early Impact portfolio at Overdeck Family Foundation funds programs that support school readiness both in and out of "school," ensuring that every child has the opportunity for a strong start. This year, with the many challenges and setbacks created by the pandemic, that work is more critical than ever. This post highlights some of our grantee organizations engaging in this important work.

Op-Ed: Case for Closer School-Home Connections Post-Pandemic

When schools shut down last March, parents suddenly became tutors and teachers. Schools, no longer able to send information home in backpacks, had to find new ways of communicating. These developments accelerated an appreciation of family engagement to a degree hard to imagine a year ago.

Q2 Funding Announcement

In Q2 2021, our foundation awarded 29 grants totaling over $12 million dollars. Of these, 9 grants were new, while 20 were renewals. This post highlights just some of the many organizations we’re proud to support.

Op-Ed: The Post-Pandemic Role of Education Philanthropy

Though the pandemic seems to be coming to its long-awaited conclusion, the months ahead are going to be daunting, Here's how foundations can help as school systems face the dual challenges of learning recovery and acceleration, while supporting students’ academic and socioemotional needs.

Summer 2021: An Opportunity for STEM Engagement and Learning

This summer presents a unique opportunity to both re-engage disconnected students and help those who have fallen behind get to grade level. In this post, we spotlight four organizations that take diverse evidence-based approaches to summer STEM, all focused on student engagement, social emotional learning, and STEM mindset development.