Funding Criteria

Please note that Overdeck Family Foundation does not accept unsolicited grant proposals. To be alerted to open calls or requests for proposals, please sign up for our newsletter.

Mission Alignment & Unmet Need

The organization’s work and services align to Overdeck Family Foundation’s mission and a specific portfolio. Based on context, timing, and landscape, the organization or program addresses an area of market opportunity, failure, or inefficiency.

Testable Theory of Impact

The organization is willing to gather and analyze data to demonstrate its impact and make evidence-informed and cost-effective decisions to improve. When funding early stage initiatives, we place an emphasis on innovation and validating evidence to demonstrate impact, especially as an organization grows. For growth or late stage organizations, we emphasize a program’s ability to reach more program participants in a cost-effective way that does not sacrifice impact.

Potential to Scale

The organization aims to sustainably scale programs, practices, or models that are evidence-based, and is willing to build a strong evidence base before engaging in a growth plan. Early stage organizations should show evidence of their potential to have significant reach and increasing impact, while growth or late stage organizations should be ready for scale when they apply for funding.

Leadership Strength

The organization is led by a strong leadership team with a track record of success across programmatic and operational areas. We believe the leadership of an organization can have a profound impact on success and encourage organizations to have a diverse leadership team and Board that represents their target populations.

Financial Health & Sustainability

The organization displays a history of a stable or healthy financial position, skilled fiscal management, a diverse funder base, and a deliberate path to long-term sustainability. Some financial expertise is present at a leadership or Board level.

Influence Potential

The organization or research team has a desire to influence the field and contribute insights by developing new evidence, engaging in thought leadership, and/or publishing research.

Overhead Policy

Overdeck Family Foundation limits indirect costs to 10% of the annual direct costs. For research grants, indirect costs are limited to 15% for independent research organizations and 10% for universities.