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Spotlight On Evidence: Investing in Family Engagement Programs That Work

As schools face increased student disengagement and uneven academic recovery, there’s a critical need to identify effective approaches to strengthen family-school partnerships—starting with investments in evidence-based solutions. Meghan McCormick details the evidence base guiding our Foundation's decision-making for investments in this space.

Q1 2024 Funding Announcement

In Q1 2024, our foundation awarded 53 grants totaling over $14 million. Here, we highlight just some of the organizations we’re proud to support this quarter as we kick off our 2024 grantmaking.

Spotlight On Growth: TalkingPoints

The first installation of our new interview series, “Spotlight On,” features Lina Eroh in conversation with Heejae Lim, founder and CEO of TalkingPoints. Together, they discuss TalkingPoints’ growth trajectory, the platform’s use of AI to foster family-school partnerships, and how technology will continue to shape the future of education.

Perspectives: Latest Debate on Pre-K Ignores the Impact of High-Quality Curricula and Aligned PD

Decades of research have demonstrated the positive impact of Pre-K, yet critics argue that much of this evidence is old and that the impacts of modern-day programs are smaller and unlikely to be sustained—ignoring the research we do have on what works to strengthen Pre-K quality. Meghan McCormick dives into the current body of evidence, urging states and districts to follow the research when investing in early childhood education.

2024 Funding Strategy Updates Across Portfolios

At the end of each year, our team conducts a strategic review of what we’re seeing in the education landscape, combined with lessons learned from last year’s grantmaking. Here, we detail how we're updating our 2024 funding strategy across our four main investment areas.

Register Now: 2024 Strategy Update

Join us on Wednesday, March 13, from 1-2:30 p.m. ET, to learn how Overdeck Family Foundation’s four core portfolios are approaching grantmaking efforts in 2024. Portfolio leads will share what we’re seeing across the education and philanthropic landscape, and how our 2024 grantmaking strategies have been refreshed to address today’s most poignant challenges.

An Update to Our Foundation’s Research Strategy

We’re refreshing our Foundation's research strategy informed by what we’re seeing across the education landscape and hearing from our grantee partners. Here, we highlight our vision for investing in evidence-building, with insight into the types of research grants we seek to fund in 2024, as well as the substantive areas we’re eager to learn more about.

Now Available: 2023 Grantmaking & Impact Report

In 2023, Overdeck Family Foundation disbursed $53.5 million to almost 100 grantee organizations, collectively reaching over 66 million children, 3.9 million families, and 500,000 educators nationwide. Our 2023 Grantmaking & Impact Report highlights what our grantmaking accomplished and uplifts the successes of the organizations we fund.