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October News Roundup

A roundup highlighting our grantees’ and Foundation staff’s impactful work in October 2020.

How Constraint-Driven Innovation May Improve Outcomes

In this op-ed, our Foundation's Vice President, Anu Malipatil, spotlights the incredible innovation our grantees have shown within the constraints of the coronavirus pandemic. Much of this innovation incorporates technology, something that was previously a nice-to-have and is now a necessity.

Keanna Marshall, a City Year team leader works with a student in a school in Tulsa, OK, in 2017. Image via Amadou Diallo for The Hechinger Report

August News Roundup

In this roundup, we highlight some of the impactful work our grantees and Foundation staff accomplished in August 2020.

Standing in Solidarity, and Lifting Up Stories of Impact

During this difficult time, we are proud to support and stand in solidarity with our grantee partners, many of whom support Black children to overcome inequity and achieve their tremendous potential. In this post, we highlight four grantee partners who are making an immense difference in the lives of Black children and families across the country.

May News Roundup

In this roundup, we highlight some of the impactful work our grantees and Foundation staff accomplished in May 2020.

March News Roundup

A roundup highlighting some of the impactful work our grantees and Foundation staff accomplished in March 2020.

February News Roundup

A roundup highlighting some of the impactful work our grantees and Foundation staff accomplished in February 2020.