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New Report: STEM Learning in Afterschool on the Rise, But Barriers and Inequities Exist

The just-released America After 3PM Special Report, “STEM Learning in Afterschool on the Rise, But Barriers and Inequities Exist,” funded by Overdeck Family Foundation, found that afterschool programs are offering more STEM learning opportunities, but inequities exist and millions of children are missing out. For every child in an afterschool program, three are waiting to get in.

Download: The Road to Readiness

What does it take for a child to enter school with the academic and socioemotional skills needed to succeed? Download this report to understand key drivers of Kindergarten readiness, contributing factors throughout a child’s early years, and the parent/adult behaviors that best support child development.  

2019 Research Year in Review

This year, Overdeck Family Foundation funded four new studies and renewed 18 grants totaling $6,140,722 in research funding.