Our goal: Expand access to tech-enabled, student-centered K-9 learning environments, intentionally designed for all students to thrive.
The traditional classroom model often fails to provide students with meaningful and engaging learning opportunities that can accelerate their skills in the classroom. This results in too few students performing at grade level, and fewer still engaged and empowered for lifelong success.
The disruptions to learning over the past several years make now a critical time to reimagine the traditional schooling model, transforming how students learn and enabling each individual student to reach their full potential. Our Innovative Schools portfolio supports direct impact and ecosystem grantees that leverage technology to create student-centered, evidence-based K-9 learning environments that engage, challenge, and improve academic, executive function, and social-emotional skills for all students.
Our Learnings
There is continued urgency to support students to reach and exceed grade-level expectations for math and literacy skills.
The array of student needs has widened, leaving educators in search of more personalized ways to engage, support, and empower students.
Embracing student variability can accelerate academic mastery and lead to more engaged, lifelong learners.
The learning environment plays a crucial role in student success.
High-impact tutoring can meaningfully accelerate student learning, and technology can increase accessibility for more students.
A proliferation of edtech tools and a fragmented K-9 market makes it difficult for schools to know which solutions would work best for them.
Grantee Spotlight
Learn more about some of the work funded by the Innovative Schools portfolio.

Robin Hood Learning + Technology Fund
Investing in blended literacy and computational thinking models for low-income students in New York City.
Our Questions
To what extent do schools across kindergarten through ninth grade adopt individualized, online, and virtual learning tools and use them in combination, and what impact does this have on student learning outcomes?
What conditions must exist in school communities for tech-enabled, personalized learning interventions and tutoring programs to successfully be implemented, and what do states, school, and districts need to create or strengthen those conditions?
What impact does project-based learning in math have on widely-established measures of academic performance, such as standardized test scores?
How can AI-enabled innovations more cost-effectively advance student and teacher outcomes?