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Register Now: Overdeck Family Foundation’s 2024 in Review

Join us on Thursday, January 30th from 3-4:15 p.m. ET for a virtual event to mark the launch of Overdeck Family Foundation’s 2024 Grantmaking & Impact Report. Leaders from seven nonprofits will share how their organizations unlocked innovation and growth in the past year.

Spotlight On Evidence: Investing in Family Engagement Programs That Work

As schools face increased student disengagement and uneven academic recovery, there’s a critical need to identify effective approaches to strengthen family-school partnerships—starting with investments in evidence-based solutions. Meghan McCormick details the evidence base guiding our Foundation's decision-making for investments in this space.

Q3 2023 Funding Announcement

In Q3 2023, our foundation awarded 46 grants totaling over $19 million. Of these, two were to organizations new to our foundation, eight were renewals, 16 were disbursements for ongoing pledges, and 20 covered additional grantee supports, membership fees, and convenings. Here, we highlight just some of the organizations we’re proud to support in the third quarter.

Perspectives: Building Nonprofit Capacity, Hand in Hand

As nonprofits turn to funders for support beyond grantmaking dollars, foundations can play a strategic, hands-on role in helping them become more cost-effective, sustainable, and scalable. Anu Malipatil and Lucy Brainard describe how capacity building and trust-based philanthropy can work in concert to build grantees’ organizational capacities and lead to long-term success.

Collage of organization leaders

Q3 2022 Funding Announcement

In Q3 2022, our foundation awarded 23 grants totaling over $13 million dollars. Of these, six grants were new, 11 were renewals, and six were disbursements for ongoing pledges. This post highlights just some of the many organizations we’re proud to support.

2021 Bright Spots: Unlocking Innovation

This blog post explores how three organizations—New Jersey Tutoring Corps, Springboard Collaborative, and EiE—embraced disruptions caused by Covid as an opportunity to fuel innovation.

October News Roundup

A roundup highlighting our grantees’ and Foundation staff’s impactful work in October 2020.