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Spotlight On Innovation: Strategic Staffing

Jessica Fredston-Hermann sits down with David Rosenberg, a partner at Education Resource Strategies (ERS), for a “Spotlight On Innovation.” Together, they discuss the current state of the teaching profession and how schools and districts across the country are rethinking the traditional “one teacher, one classroom” model with a flexible, team-oriented approach known as strategic staffing.

Spotlight On Innovation: Learn Fresh

In this “Spotlight On Innovation,” Emma Banay talks with Nick Monzi, co-founder and CEO of Learn Fresh. Together, they discuss Learn Fresh’s innovative approach to inspiring STEM interest both in and out of the classroom, how the organization established strong partnerships with professional sports organizations, and the key to training and developing skilled program coordinators to support students’ math learning.

The State of Tutoring

Spotlight On Evidence: The State of Tutoring

In our interview series, “Spotlight On,” Innovative Schools portfolio manager Pete Lavorini sits down with research and impact officer Meghan McCormick. Together, they discuss the current evidence base on the potential of high-impact tutoring to support student achievement and what school and district leaders need to know as they consider tutoring investments ahead of the new school year.

Spotlight on Evidence: Investing in Innovative Tutoring Approaches To Boost Student Achievement

Research points to the potential value of high-impact tutoring for supporting learning recovery at scale, but key challenges remain. Meghan McCormick examines the current body of evidence on the impact of hybrid, virtual, and AI-fueled tutoring models, and how these models are poised to reduce costs, strengthen the tutoring workforce, and more effectively allocate tutoring supports.

Spotlight on Evidence: Investing in Family Engagement Programs That Work

As schools face increased student disengagement and uneven academic recovery, there’s a critical need to identify effective approaches to strengthen family-school partnerships—starting with investments in evidence-based solutions. Meghan McCormick details the evidence base guiding our Foundation's decision-making for investments in this space.

Spotlight On Growth: TalkingPoints

The first installation of our new interview series, “Spotlight On,” features Lina Eroh in conversation with Heejae Lim, founder and CEO of TalkingPoints. Together, they discuss TalkingPoints’ growth trajectory, the platform’s use of AI to foster family-school partnerships, and how technology will continue to shape the future of education.