Grantee: Bright by Text
Study Type: RCT and Quasi-Experiment (unmatched comparison group study)
Principal Investigator: Elisa Garcia, Sarah Nixon Gerard, Claire Christensen, Tejaswini Tiruke, Maria Carolina Zamora, and Todd Grindal – SRI Education
Project Description: This report summarizes studies of two similar 12-week mobile messaging programs designed to help parents of young children support their children’s development: Bright by Text and Consejos de Univision. Both programs use SMS text messaging to provide parents with brief information, tips, and proposed activities to encourage early learning. The studies were: (i) a randomized controlled trial of Bright by Text, in which approximately 400 parents/guardians in Texas, Kansas, and Colorado were randomized to receive the intervention or to a control group, and (ii) a quasi-experiment of Consejos de Univision, in which approximately 160 parents/guardians who were recruited to participate in the intervention through Univision’s televised ads were compared with 211 parents/guardians who responded to Univision’s Facebook invitation to participate in surveys; sample participants primarily lived in Texas, California, and Illinois. The report focuses on participants’ self-reported experiences with the text messaging content, attitudes toward parenting, self-efficacy, and parenting behaviors (e.g., reading with their child).
Key Findings: The study results indicate mobile messaging can be an effective strategy for sparking connections between parents and children. Consejos messages supported parents’ engagement in language-rich activities, and parents in both Bright by Text and Consejos reported they valued and benefited from messages.
Study Citation: Garcia, E., Gerard, S. N., Christensen, C., Tiruke, T., Zamora, M. C., & Grindal, T. (2022). Sparking Connections: Evaluations of Mobile Messaging on Responsive Caregiving. SRI International.
Full report here.
SRI blog post.
The Key Findings above were reproduced from the published report and do not necessarily reflect interpretation of Overdeck Family Foundation staff.
Social-Emotional Learning
Impact of PowerMyLearning's Social Emotional Learning Program: 2021-2022 Mid-Year and School Year Analysis
This is a pre-post study of PowerMyLearning’s Social Emotional Learning (SEL) program—Nurture Student Growth Through Social Emotional Learning—which serves teachers, students, and families with children in first through sixth grade with the goals of addressing challenging behaviors and supporting family wellbeing.
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