Three Tiers of Support

In addition to grantmaking, Overdeck Family Foundation provides grantees with capacity-building support to help them unlock innovation, evidence, and growth opportunities. These services, offered through a three-tiered approach, aim to improve the effectiveness and future sustainability of organizations, clearing the path to cost-effective scale and accelerating key academic and socioemotional outcomes for all children.

Universal Support

Guidance and support provided by Foundation’s program staff; focused on diagnosing barriers to scale and supporting organizations in meeting innovation, growth, and evidence goals.

Selective Support

Pro-bono support provided by Foundation’s cross-functional teams, aligned to helping grantees achieve communications, human resources, impact, and organizational / leadership goals.

Intensive Support

Technical services provided by third parties, focused on strategic leadership development, financial planning, revenue model generation, impact evaluations, and strategic growth / market demand.

Partnership Spotlight

Learn more about some of the capacity-building support work.

Three young children stand in classroom


Working to clearly and consistently capture multiple strands of data.

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Boy stands with two adults

Nurse-Family Partnership

Examining the relationship between client feedback and program outcomes.

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Building Nonprofit Capacity, Hand in Hand

How capacity building and trust-based philanthropy can work in concert.

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Child plays at table


Fostering organizational growth through strategic capacity-building.

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National Inventors Hall of Fame

Navigating dynamic financial times with capacity-building support.

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Intensive Support Priority Areas

Strategic Leadership Development

Financial Planning

Revenue Models

Impact Evaluation

Strategic Growth & Market Demand