Our Capacity-Building Offerings

As a part of Overdeck Family Foundation’s capacity-building support, grantees are able to access past offerings on relevant and timely topics to continue their learning. Here, you can find select items listed with short descriptions and additional resources, including recordings of live workshops and slide decks. These resources are only available to Foundation grantees—please do not share this page outside your organization.

Financial Planning

Scenario Planning in the Face of ESSER Expiration [Workshop]

People & Operations

Hiring Technical Talent: How to Compete in a Competitive Market [Workshop]

Legal Guidance for Internal AI Usage [Workshop]

Leveraging AI for Data Analysis & Internal Operations [Workshop]

Potential Mergers & Acquisitions Strategies [Workshop]

Restructuring for Sustainability: Empowering Education Organizations Beyond ESSER Funding [Workshop]

Revenue Models

Early Childhood Alternate Funding Sources [Workshop]

K-9 Alternate Funding Sources [Workshop]

OST/STEM Alternate Funding Sources [Workshop]

Strategic Growth & Market Demand

AI in Education: What We Currently Know and Where We Think It’s Heading [Workshop]

Customer Acquisition & Retention in a Competitive Market [Workshop]

Empowering Products with AI: Insights from Top Innovators [Workshop]

Sales Skills in a Competitive Market [Workshop]